Budd Passenger Coach

For Sale


  • Listing ID: 40231033
  • Type: Coach Cars
  • Year: 1941
  • Manufacture: Budd Company
  • Bearing Type: Rotating End Cap
  • Coupler Type: CS
  • Self Contained: No
  • Length (feet): 80.00
  • Width (feet): 10.00
  • Height (feet): 13.00
  • Weight (tons): 60
  • Must be shipped by truck
  • Location: Ohio
  • Price:
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Full Specifications

Budd Passenger Coach

-- Located in Ohio. Asking price: . --

Built by the Budd Manufacturing Company circa 1950 and a railroad passenger coach. Current physical/mechanical attributes include good body & roof, no windows, interior gutted, ISSH trucks, rotating end cap bearings, fair wheels, D-22 brake valves, CS couplers. The car is currently landlocked and has been vandalized.

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