Transit Maintenance Train Flat/Platform Car #5083



  • Listing ID: 33941845
  • Type: Flat Cars
  • Year: 2018
  • Manufacture: RELCO
  • Bearing Type: Rotating End Cap
  • Operational: Yes
  • Length (feet): 55.00
  • Width (feet): 9.00
  • Weight (tons): 20
  • Car will need to be trucked from current location
  • Location: California
  • Price:
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Full Specifications

Transit Maintenance Train Flat/Platform Car #5083

-- Located in California. Asking price: . --

This car is in operating condition and is sold as a complete Transit Maintenance Train

Note: The steel plate handling equipment is not included in the sale of the train and will be removed from the car before sale.


This car is sold as a complete unit, please use the following links to view the individual locomotives and cars.

Locomotive #5006

Locomotive #5007

Locomotive #5008

Flat/Crane Car #5070

Flat/Crane Car #5071

Flat/Crane Car #5072

Flat/Crane Car #5073

Flat/Crane Car #5074

Flat/Crane Car #5075

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Flat/Crane Car #5077

Flat/Crane Car #5078

Flat/Platform Car #5079

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