Chicago & Northwestern Railway #7600



  • Listing ID: 6981323
  • Type: Lounge Cars
  • Year: 1941
  • Manufacture: Pullman
  • Bearing Type: Oil (FAFNIR)
  • Coupler Type: H
  • Self Contained: No
  • Length (feet): 85.00
  • Width (feet): 10.00
  • Height (feet): 13.00
  • Weight (tons): 65
  • Shipping (minimum):15,000
  • Truck or Flat Car
  • Location: Ohio
  • Price:
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Chicago & Northwestern Railway #7600

-- Located in Ohio. Asking price: . --


Built in 1941 by the Pullman Company for the Chicago & Northwestern Railway as a RPO/Baggage/Tavern/Lunch Counter car for service on the "City of Milwaukee", "Shoreland" and "Valley 400" train sets. #7600 was retired in 1964 and converted to work train car #301015. Much of the original interior remains with the exception of the bar in the tavern area. Some of the mechanical details include: Fair body, H couplers, cast shoes, FAFNIR bearings, ISSH, drop equalizer, Waukesha propane generator & air conditioning system, steam heat, D/C electrical system, tread brakes, good roof, D-22 valves, original kitchen.

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