Baltimore & Ohio Coach #3582 SOLD

New York


  • Listing ID: 6731323
  • Type: Passenger Equipment
  • Location: New York
  • Price:
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Full Specifications

Baltimore & Ohio Coach #3582 SOLD

-- Located in New York. Asking price: . --


Built in 1923 by the Pullman Co. as a coach for the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. Rebuilt and modernized by B&O's Mount. Clair shops in 1948 for service on the Columbian. After being rebuilt the car was equipped with 42 sleep hollow reclining seats, sealed windows, air conditioning, fluorescent lighting, streamlined exterior, and large restroom/lounges. Today the mechanical features include propane fired hot water heat, oil bearings, comp shoes, UC valves (last COTS date 10/8/99), good wheels, good exterior, original interior.


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