Southern Pacific Business Car #106



  • Listing ID: 18611224
  • Type: Business Car
  • Manufacture: Pullman
  • Bearing Type: Rotating End Cap
  • Coupler Type: H
  • Operational: Yes
  • Self Contained: Yes
  • Length (feet): 85.00
  • Width (feet): 10.00
  • Height (feet): 14.00
  • Weight (tons): 85
  • Shipping (minimum):$8,000.00
  • BNSF/Union Pacific
  • Location: Washington
  • Price:
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Full Specifications

Southern Pacific Business Car #106

-- Located in Washington. Asking price: . --

Built by the Pullman Company as the "Central Plains". Sold to Southern Pacfic Railroad and then into private ownership and rebuilt with a western decor interior. The mechanical details include: H couplers, 27 pin, Head End Power, roller bearings, ISSH, great body and roof, rubber diaphragms, truck mounted cylinders, comp shoes, water raising  compressor, Microphor processing tanks, diesel generator,  good wheels, emergency lights , backup generator, 26-C brake valves, rebuilt electrical locker, stainless kitchen, dining room (seating 6), three bedrooms and secratary room, large observation lounge. 

  • Original name "Central Plains"
  • Rebuilt to SP business car "Shasta" in 1958
  • Renamed Oregon in 1965


 Toured U.S. during 1947-1949 American Freedom Train Tour , carried by President Truman,  Carried French Dignitaries during the 1949 Merci Train tour.  Featured as rear car on 12/1988 Southern Pacific 4449 Daylight Employee Appreciation Special.

Major Rebuild January 1981 – November 1982

Electro-Mechanical Air Conditioning and

Electric Heating System

 Major structural reinforcements added to center sill

 Car ends rebuilt to correct corrosion

Equipped with Microphor Air operated toilet system

 Fully equipped kitchen converted to all electric

 26C air brake system with truck mounted cylinders

Interior completely refinished with oak paneling

 Equipped with 3 fire protection systems

 40 Year truck rebuild (performed in 1990).

Miscellaneous Mechanical Information

 Amtrak Clearance Code “A” compliant without antenna

Amtrak Clearance Code “B” compliant with antenna

 Amtrak HEP Compliant

 Max Speed: 90-110 MPH

Fully quipped FRA Type II glazing

FRA Compliant CFR 49 Part 221 Marker Lights

 3 axle trucks equipped with 5-1/2 x 10 Timken Bearings

 300 Gallon water capacity

 Voltage: 220V/480V III Phase with 110V/AC

 Brakes: Composition Shoes/26C Valves

 Coupler Type: H Tightlock

Vestibule: Only on Platform End


 Passenger Capacity: 8, Sleeping: 5 plus Crew of 2

 Open observation platform on B end

 3 fully equipped spacious bedrooms

 Spacious office

Equipped with 2 showers

Fully furnished

Fully equipped kitchen

 Heating and Air

 Fully functional water system

Music and TV system

Telephone outlets

Car Air Conditioning and Heating System

This railcar is equipped with an easy to run fully automatic heating and air conditioning system. The system requires no manual seasonal changeover to winter/summer operations.

Electrical system

  1. 480 volt 60 KW Northern Lights Diesel

Generator Model NL 488k2.1

  1. 480 volt 150 amp Amtrak Trainline
  2. 240 volt 100 amp Standby Power
  3. 120 volt 6 KW Onan Emergency Generator
  4. 120 volt 40 amp Emergency External Plug  located on 2 sides.

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