Southern Pacific Lounge Car



  • Listing ID: 14621050
  • Type: Lounge Cars
  • Year: 1949
  • Manufacture: Pullman Comapny
  • Length (feet): 85.00
  • Width (feet): 10.00
  • Height (feet): 13.00
  • Weight (tons): 65
  • Shipping (minimum):10,000
  • Interchanges to UP/BNSF
  • Location: California
  • Price:
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Full Specifications

Southern Pacific Lounge Car

-- Located in California. Asking price: . --

Built in 1949 by the Pullman Company as a lounge/barber shop car for the Southern Pacific. Retired and sold into private ownership, work had started to upgrade the car to Amtrak certification when project was stopped. We don't have much details on what was done to the car. Some of the mechanical details include: Fair body & roof, side & end sill corrosion, ISSH trucks, grease bearings, cast shoes, H couplers, D-22 brake valves

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