EMD E8A Locomotive #808 FOR SALE/LEASE

New York


  • Listing ID: 19881355
  • Type: EMD
  • Year: 1950
  • Manufacture: EMD
  • Length (feet): 70.00
  • Width (feet): 10.00
  • Height (feet): 14.00
  • Weight (tons): 150
  • Interchanges to CP
  • Location: New York
  • Price:
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Full Specifications

EMD E8A Locomotive #808 FOR SALE/LEASE

-- Located in New York. Asking price: . --

This locomotive is sold free and clear of all liens and encumbrances and is currently owned by a private lender. 

Contact us for lease rates, please provide location, length of lease, how many days a month item will be used, total mileage per month.

Built circa 1950 by EMD for the Pennsylvania Railroad as a passenger locomotive. Retired and sold into private ownership and used in tourist excursion service. Some of the unit details include: Good car body & roof,  cast shoes, oil bearings, cast shoes,  24 brake, as built control stand, 567-BC blocks, ditch lights, missing a governor.

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