Wood Outside Braced Boxcar #7 AUCTION



  • Listing ID: 19031333
  • Type: Box Cars
  • Bearing Type: Friction
  • Shipping (minimum):$5000+-
  • Will have to be trucked from current location
  • Location: Indiana
  • Price:
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Full Specifications

Wood Outside Braced Boxcar #7 AUCTION

-- Located in Indiana. Asking price: . --

PLEASE NOTE: The equipment being sold is located at property owned by the City of Noblesville, Indiana, known as Forest Park, which was previously leased to the Indiana Transportation Museum (ITM).  Pursuant to the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order issued in Hamilton County, Indiana Cause No. 29C01-1805-PL-004434 on June 29, 2018, all structures, additions, equipment, or property on the Forest Park premises previously leased by ITM and not removed by July 12, 2018 was deemed abandoned to the City.




We have no history on this car but we believe it was built for the Wabash Railroad

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